Friday, October 5, 2007

Ah Yes, Medical School: If Darwin Only Knew...

Ah Yes, Medical School: If Darwin Only Knew...

This is a ridiculously thorough description of the question-askers I have come to know and love in the first 6 weeks of medical school. (And by "love," of course I really mean "hate.") It's nice to know that these kind of people are ubiquitous and are really as much a part of medical school as anatomy cadavers.

In fairness, however, these poor, misguided individuals certainly do provide plenty of material for everyone else to bond over. In one class, we've developed a drinking game for how many times one particularly lost soul grabs her head and says "I'm confused." In another class, we secretly pine for the particularly rigid instructor who will put a certain someone in his place. We achieved this recently when his incessant questioning of her data led her to retort: "Well, when you've read 8,000 Cell Biology journal articles, you get a good sense of it."

Life just wouldn't be the same without these grimace-inducers. And, really, would we want it to be?

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